Economy Rigging 1

The AnGLO / FF Sting part II April 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — bashstreetkidjailbreak @ 11:53 pm

Knowingly or unknowingly its looking like Seanie Fitz has driven ‘Anglo horse and carriages’ through FF political dominion in Ireland smashing it to pieces.

He has exploded a POnzi pyramid nuclear device to a nuclear tonnage such that it drove FF to roll out an instant bank guarantee and NAMA which for FF will be political suicide for years to come.

The bomb seanie unleashed..?

Seanies decimation of Irelands reputation on the bond markets.

Seanie knew the political cronies would go all out to save this and in the process out themselves to reveal the scope the ruling class prepared to go to keep with the international money lenders the ultimate source of their power political at home in Ireland.

Did he know that…. to reverse the damage he unleashed with ANGLOS Ponzi scamarama would require such a bailout from the state that it would alienate the population from their political masters and once and for all break the hold political cronyism holds in Ireland with the citizenry bearing witness the ruling class scrambling to save its access to its ‘international money men’ / central banking system membership.


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